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About Us

Indoor domestic farming

And that is how Maè was born

It’s said that in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity: “In crisis emerges the best of each” (Albert Einstein). And that is how Maè® was born

During the first Italian Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, we designed and built a prototype for the indoor cultivation of herbs, leafy greens and small fruits and vegetables. We combined the know-how and experiences from two different worlds — that of mechatronic engineering and that of agriculture — in order to innovate one of the most ancient activities of human beings: growing a vegetable garden.

Growing plants has never been this easy!

Plants grow all year round thanks to a water supply and LED light.

With our new cultivation system, it was incredibly satisfying to eat the products of plants we had grown ourselves, in our home with minimum effort. Moreover, it was possible to have fresh vege-tables without leaving the house! So we thought, why not share this idea and make it available to everybody? Nowadays our lives are chaotic. Often our modern homes don’t offer external spaces and almost no one grows a garden any more. Being in contact with nature also inside our homes, in our city, in a desert or in an arctic region, has always been fundamental for human beings, as a sort of re-turn to our origins This is the philosophy that inspired Maè, whose name recalls a lush, florid island rich in vegeta-tion. This island was thought to be the Garden of Eden when it was discovered.

Our Maè smart garden is like this island: a little indoor oasis where plants grow all year round thanks to a water supply and LED light. They bring colour and warmth into your home, reconnect-ing you with nature and with our origins.

Our Mission

A green oasis into the modern homes

We would like to bring a green oasis into the modern home, wherever it is, to create a healthier and calmer lifestyle.
With the smart garden, people can reconnect with nature, recognize the importance of “healthy eating” (but really healthy!), and teach children to be conscious about following a good diet.



You can grow your green vegetables and herbs as healthily as possible, without using pesticides or fungicides, having any contamination or pollution, and using chemical treatments on seeds, while using biodegradable materials that don’t damage the environment.


Zero km, it can’t get more fresh than that! You can pick salad leaves and eat them on the spot! You can pull off a few basil leaves and prepare pasta with pesto for lunch!


Many times we take it for granted, but contact with nature is a fundamental aspect of each person’s development. It’s an innate need that reinforces vitality, helps to reduce aggression, and gives serenity. It reconnects us to ourselves.


Maè® is an eco-friendly product, created with sustainable materials, like recycled plastic. The substrate is biodegradable, our seeds are organic and untreated, the LED are low energy consumption lights and our packaging is ecological.


We think and act with innovation: we developed Maè using prototypes made with 3D printing. Components were produced using the latest technology. The pots were created with 3D printing. The lights for the cultivation of lettuces and herbs were developed in collaboration with a specialist Italian company. The substrate was realized thanks to a collaboration with a German company specialized in indoor farming, that applies smart solutions to agriculture 4.0.
Made in Italy

Made in Italy

Maè® is made in Italy, the design is Italian and the style is Italian! Every single component is made and assembled in Italy, by local companies. Maè is not only smart and easy to use, but it’s also a design object that can be put in a kitchen or living room and can bring elegance, light and colour. Research, refinement and attention to detail are the key words behind Made in Italy!


We want to start from the products of our Italian (territory) land, but not only: we imagine Maè in every city in the world, and that Maè will bring a piece of the world into our homes. For this reason we’ll offer varieties that come from abroad because today territoriality goes beyond the regional and national borders.


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